Every Sunday Evening In October we will be enjoying fun games, lessons, crafts etc.. with children grades K4-12-(outside) from 4:45-7:30. The Edge-to-Go counselors from the Edge Christian Camp will be coming in on October 11 and October 25 to make the time extra special. The other evenings there will be crafts, games, face painting and lessons from your favorite Tidewater Baptist Teachers!
On the last weekend it will be a two day event with a full day of camp on Saturday, October 24th for the 4-12th graders, and then an extended Sunday where from 2pm-4:45 pm it will be for the 4-12th graders and then the younger ones will join us in the evening.
We will not be running buses for this event due to social distancing concerns. We ask as parents bring their children to the event that PARENTS should come to Dinner as well and to attend our Sunday Evening Services! There will be a form to sign for each child. No children can participate without the physical form signed by a parent or guardian!
In regards to the health concerns of our time we will try to be as careful as possible, but NOT require masks for outdoor activities (although they can wear them if you prefer) and are NOT responsible if your children get sick at this event.
Registration Form
(Please fill out one for each family).