Toree Overton

Toree and her family were with us at Tidewater Baptist Church to present their ministry of translating work in India. While they were visiting with us, Toree spoke in the Ladies' Sunday School reminding us of the power of claiming God's promises in prayer! We hope it is an encouragement to you, as it was to us!

John 17

Verse 1: Today my life has a purpose and a mission

Verse 2: Today I have power over my flesh through the NAME OF JESUS

Verse 3: Today I can intimately know God because of reconciliation

Verse 4: Today I can, without pride, proclaim that I am doing His will

Verse 5: Today may Christ be seen in me

Verse 6: Today I will pray for those I influence and keep His Word

Verse 7: Today I will praise Him for meeting all of my needs

Verse 8: Today I will be tenderhearted

Verse 9: Today I will pray for other believers

Verse 10: Today I will remember that I am God's Gift to Jesus

Verse 11/12: Today I will rest in the fact that I am kept

Verse 13: Today I will choose a joyful existence

Verse 14: Today I will be cleansed from wordiness by The Word

Verse 15: Today I will pray for protection from persecution and worldly evil

Verse 16: Today I will live in the reality that I am a stranger here on earth

Verse 17: Today I will live a sanctified  life

Verse 18: Today I will obey the command to be sent by sharing the Gospel

Verse 19: Today I will be encouraged by Jesus' example

Verse 20: Today I will pray for the lost

Verse 21/21: Today I am complete and am ONE with the Triune God

Verse 23: Today I will embrace that I am loved by the Father as the Father loves Jesus

Verse 24: Today I will behold His glory

Verse 25: Today I am in awe to know the Righteous Father because I am redeemed

Verse 26: Today I will declare His name so that others may pray this same prayer